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What to Consider Before Taking Out a Student Loan

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You know you should be investing in your future, but you just don’t have the time or energy to do it. You have bills to pay, groceries to buy (and maybe even a mortgage)… so how can you possibly make room for anything else?

The answer is simple: You can’t. Unless you’re willing to make some sacrifices in other areas of your life. And if that’s what it takes, then so be it. You’ll be happier with yourself in the long run!

Hey, you there. Yeah, you. Your finances are broken. That’s totally common. We all have our own problems with money – and given that money equals power and freedom, it’s a big problem too. If we want to change the world, first we’ve got to fix ourselves and our society.

Where does the money we spend on gas go?

If you’re living day to day with no thought for the future, then as soon as something happens to throw off your plans (like illness or getting fired) then your psyche will be too busy panicking about survival to contribute anything useful to the community.

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But how can you do that if you’re even more stressed out about money than your own? Why does this matter? It matters because humans are basically selfish animals (you know, like every other animal). If you’re living day to day with no thought for the future, then as soon as something happens to throw off your plans (like illness or getting fired) then your psyche will be too busy panicking about survival to contribute anything useful to the community.

Worse still is when those survival issues are compounded by debt and fear of the future – that’s hell on Earth; literally. You need to fix yourself from the inside in order to be able to build yourself from the outside into something that can change the world in a positive way.

Quick tips for easy resolution

💡 Hire an expert

Here’s what you should know about this passive income strategy, including how much money you’d need to pull it off, whether or not it’s a realistic approach, and how to assess its merits.

✅ Do the paperwork in time

How much money you’d need to pull it off, whether or not it’s a realistic approach, and how to assess its merits.

👀 Beware of bad actors

Here’s what you should know about this passive income strategy, including how much money you’d need to pull it off.

Dividends are a portion of a corporation’s profits that they pay out to their shareholders. Many companies pay dividends to their investors, usually on a quarterly basis. But how much do you need to invest to live off dividends?

What you should NOT do

Here’s what you should know about this passive income strategy, including how much money you’d need to pull it off, whether or not it’s a realistic approach, and how to assess its merits.


We’re going to show you how to get out of debt and start saving money so that there will always be enough left over at the end of each month for investing purposes.

When I started out in my career, I knew that one day I’d have to handle my own money — but with no money of my own to work with, it was easy to shunt that fact aside. Only when my wife got a good job and we began to think about having kids did it truly hit me: If we weren’t careful, we were going to be permanently broke.

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